> 支持向量机工具箱 - LIBSVM OSU_SVM LS_SVM源码程序 > 支持向量机工具箱 - LIBSVM OSU_SVM LS_SVM\LS_SVMlab\simlssvm.m

    function [Y,Yl,model] = simlssvm(model,Xt,A3,A4,A5)
% Evaluate the LS-SVM at the given points
% >> Yt = simlssvm({X,Y,type,gam,sig2,kernel}, {alpha,b}, Xt)
% >> Yt = simlssvm({X,Y,type,gam,sig2,kernel}, Xt)
% >> Yt = simlssvm(model, Xt)
% The matrix Xt represents the points one wants to predict. The
% first cell contains all arguments needed for defining the LS-SVM
% (see also trainlssvm, initlssvm). The second cell contains the
% results of training this LS-SVM model. The cell syntax allows for
% flexible and consistent default handling.
% As in training, three different implementations are included
% (simclssvm.mex*, simFILE.x, simlssvm.m). The cmex algorithm is
% called, except when specified otherwise. After a simulation call,
% a '.' is displayed.
% Full syntax
%     1. Using the functional interface:
% >> [Yt, Zt] = simlssvm({X,Y,type,gam,sig2}, Xt)
% >> [Yt, Zt] = simlssvm({X,Y,type,gam,sig2,kernel}, Xt)
% >> [Yt, Zt] = simlssvm({X,Y,type,gam,sig2,kernel,preprocess}, Xt)
% >> [Yt, Zt] = simlssvm({X,Y,type,gam,sig2,kernel,preprocess}, {alpha,b}, Xt)
%       Outputs    
%         Yt            : Nt x m matrix with predicted output of test data
%         Zt(*)         : Nt x m matrix with predicted latent variables of a classifier
%       Inputs    
%         X             : N x d matrix with the inputs of the training data
%         Y             : N x 1 vector with the outputs of the training data
%         type          : 'function estimation' ('f') or 'classifier' ('c')
%         gam           : Regularization parameter
%         sig2          : Kernel parameter (bandwidth in the case of the 'RBF_kernel')
%         kernel(*)     : Kernel type (by default 'RBF_kernel')
%         preprocess(*) : 'preprocess'(*) or 'original'
%         alpha(*)      : Support values obtained from training
%         b(*)          : Bias term obtained from training
%         Xt            : Nt x d inputs of the test data
%     2. Using the object oriented interface:
% >> [Yt, Zt, model] = simlssvm(model, Xt)
%       Outputs    
%         Yt       : Nt x m matrix with predicted output of test data
%         Zt(*)    : Nt x m matrix with predicted latent variables of a classifier
%         model(*) : Object oriented representation of the LS-SVM model
%       Inputs    
%         model    : Object oriented representation of the LS-SVM model
%         Xt       : Nt x d matrix with the inputs of the test data
% See also:
%   trainlssvm, initlssvm, plotlssvm, code, changelssvm

% Copyright (c) 2002,  KULeuven-ESAT-SCD, License & help @

% control inputs
if iscell(model), 
  iscell_model = 1;
  model = initlssvm(model{:});
  if iscell(Xt),
    model.alpha = Xt{1};
    model.b = Xt{2};
    model.status = 'trained';
    eval('Xt = A3;',' ');
  eval('nb_to_sim = A4;','nb_to_sim = size(Xt,1)-model.x_delays;');
  Yt = [];
  iscell_model = 0;
  if nargin>3,
    Yt = A3;
    eval('nb_to_sim = A4;','nb_to_sim = size(Xt,1)-model.x_delays;');
    eval('nb_to_sim = A3;','nb_to_sim = size(Xt,1)-model.x_delays;');
    Yt =[];

eval('Xt;','error(''Test data Xtest undefined...'');');

% check dimensions
if size(Xt,2)~=model.x_dim,
  error('dimensions of new datapoints Xt not equal to trainingsset...');
if ~isempty(Yt) & size(Yt,2)~=model.y_dim,
  error('dimensions of new targetpoints Yt not equal to trainingsset...');

% preprocessing ...
if model.preprocess(1)=='p',
  [Xt,Yt] = prelssvm(model,Xt,Yt);

% if dimension of output >1
if model.y_dim>1,
  if length(model.kernel_type)>1 | size(model.kernel_pars,2)>1 | size(model.gam,2)==model.y_dim,
    %disp('multi dimensional output...');
    [Y Yl] = simmultidimoutput(model,Xt,Yt,nb_to_sim);
    if iscell_model, model = Yl; end

% train if status is not  'trained'
if model.status(1)~='t', % not 'trained'
  model = trainlssvm(model);

% set parameters: how much points to evaluate and to simulate
if (model.type(1)=='c'),
  nb_sim = nb_to_sim;  
elseif (model.type(1)=='f'),
  nb_sim = nb_to_sim;

% simulate the model,
%   using simlssvm.mex*, simlssvmFILE.m or the MATLAB implementations;
if strcmpi(model.implementation,'CMEX'),
  eval(['Y = simclssvm(Xt'',Yt, nb_sim, nb_to_sim, model.alpha,model.b,'...
	'    model.xtrain'', model.x_dim,  model.ytrain, model.y_dim,'... 
	'    model.nb_data, model.type, model.gam, model.cga_eps, model.cga_fi_bound, '...
	'    model.cga_max_itr, model.kernel_type, model.kernel_pars, '...
	'    model.cga_show, [model.steps, model.x_delays, model.y_delays]); '],...
        'model = changelssvm(model,''implementation'',''CFILE''); disp(''converting implementation to CFILE...'');');

if strcmpi(model.implementation,'CFILE'),
  eval('Y = simFILE(model,'''',Xt,Yt);',...
       ['model = changelssvm(model,''implementation'',''MATLAB'');' ...
	'fprintf(''converting now to MATLAB implementation...'');']); 

if strcmpi(model.implementation, 'MATLAB'),
  if (model.type(1)=='c'), Y=simClass(model,Xt);     % classification
  elseif (model.type(1)=='f'), Y=simFct(model,Xt); % function estimation

% for classification
Yl = Y;
if model.type(1)=='c' & strcmp(model.latent,'no'),
  Y = 2*(Y>0)-1;

% postprocessing...
if model.preprocess(1)=='p' & ~(model.type(1)=='c' & strcmp(model.latent,'yes')),
  [X,Y] = postlssvm(model,[],Y);

% decode if multiclass
if model.type(1)=='c' & ~strcmpi(model.codetype,'none' ) & ~strcmpi(model.code,'original'),
  Y = codelssvm(model,Y);

% Function Estimation
function Y = simFct(model,X)
kx = kernel_matrix(model.xtrain(model.selector, 1:model.x_dim), model.kernel_type, model.kernel_pars,X);    
Y = kx'*model.alpha(:,1:model.y_dim)+ones(size(kx,2),1)*model.b(:,1:model.y_dim);

% Classification
function Y = simClass(model,X)
kx = kernel_matrix(model.xtrain(model.selector, 1:model.x_dim), ...
		   model.kernel_type, model.kernel_pars,X);
Y = kx'*(model.alpha(model.selector,1:model.y_dim).*model.ytrain(model.selector,1:model.y_dim))+ones(size(kx,2),1)*model.b(:,1:model.y_dim);

function [Yt,Yl] = simmultidimoutput(model, Xt, Y,n)
% what to do if output multimensional?

  Yt = []; Yl = [];
  for d=1:model.y_dim,
    eval('gam = model.gam(:,d);','gam = model.gam;');
    eval('sig2 = model.kernel_pars(:,d);','sig2 = model.kernel_pars;');
    eval('kernel = model.kernel_type{d};','kernel=model.kernel_type;');
    % not yet timeseries nor NARX
    [Ytn Yln] = simlssvm({model.xtrain, model.ytrain(:,d),model.type,gam,sig2,kernel,'original'},{model.alpha(:,d),model.b(d)},Xt);
    Yt = [Yt Ytn]; Yl = [Yl Yln]; 
  % postprocessing...
  if model.preprocess(1)=='p' & ~(model.type(1)=='c' & strcmp(model.latent,'yes')),
    [X,Yt] = postlssvm(model,[],Yt);

  % decode if multiclass
  if model.type(1)=='c' & ~strcmpi(model.codetype,'none' ) & ~strcmpi(model.code,'original'),
    Yt = codelssvm(model,Yt);